Will movers move my home safe?

move my home safe

If you’re in the middle of moving homes then you’re likely thinking about hiring a moving service. Having a team of people to safely move your valuables from one place to another can take a ton of the burden off of your shoulders. With that being said, you may be worried about what their policy is when it comes to your heavier items. One of these items that are tricky to move from one location to another is home safe. Due to their size, weight, and location, it’s tough to discern whether or not a moving company is going to take care of it for you or not. So the question stands, will movers move my home safe? Let’s find out!

Do Movers Move Safes?

You’ll be relieved to hear that most moving companies in your area are willing to move your home safe. With that being said, there are a couple of variables that determine how smooth the process will go. For one, some moving companies don’t have a ton of experience moving objects such as this. This can lead to damages being caused to either the home or the safe. On the other hand, in order to move an item that big, movers might charge you extra. You should talk to the company beforehand and find out their policy on moving safes.

Why You Should Hire Someone to Move Your Safe

Based on what was just said, you may be hesitant to hire a moving company at all. You may be thinking that it’s a good idea to transport the safe yourself, however; chances are more bad is going to come from that than good. Don’t forget, you’re not a professional. Trying to move an object that heavy can lead to you either hurting the safe or yourself. On top of that, failing to properly transport it to your new home can damage your vehicle. 

Instead of taking on the task yourself, try hiring a company near you that specializes in relocating safes. Hiring a business like this ensures that you’re home safe is going to receive the utmost care during transportation.

How to Properly Transport Your Safe

Before transporting your home safe there are a couple of things you need to do so no problems arise. The first thing you should do is make sure that you empty out the contents of your safe before handling it. While being carried and driven around the contents tend to slide around causing damage to both the safe and the possessions inside of it. Before the movers arrive you should also consider putting padding on the floor of the home and the vehicle such as blankets. Depending on how they transport it there’s a chance that the floor could get scratched in either of them if the safe rattles or falls.

Let Us Help!

North American Safes assists our customers through repairs, lock changes, and relocations.  When it comes to safes, we are there to help in any and every way. Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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