
Tips for Long-Term Gun Storage

gun storage

There are many reasons why you might want to store your firearms long-term. Whether you’re an enthusiast who simply doesn’t get to use them as often as you’d like, or you’re leaving the country on business for an extended period, properly storing your guns is crucial to maintaining their integrity and usability. Here are some tips for long-term gun storage.

Preparing Your Guns for Storage

When preparing for long-term gun storage, it’s important to disassemble and clean your firearms. Any fingerprint residue, carbon, or dust can cause issues if allowed to set into the firearm over a long period of time. To prepare your guns for storage, you’ll need to:

  • Break down your gun as far as you are comfortable
  • Decock your firearm to alleviate spring tension
  • Thoroughly clean your weapon, removing all fingerprints, sopper, lead, and plastic residues. An ammonia-free cleaning agent is perfect as it will allow your weapon to dry. 
  • Clean out the bore of your gun, then add a small layer of lubricant to all exposed metal on your firearm. This will serve as a protective coating while your gun is in storage. 
  • Pay attention to any wood stocks by treating them with wax. This prevents swelling and cracking.

If you’re uncomfortable disassembling your weapon, or need help preparing it for storage, consider reaching out to a firearms expert like those at North American Safe for help. Your firearms are too valuable of an asset to risk ruining due to improperly storing them.

Preparing Your Storage Area

Wherever you plan on storing your weapons, it should be in a climate-controlled environment with relatively little foot traffic. You don’t want your guns to get bumped and jostled by other stored items, and you want to ensure that extreme weather doesn’t affect your guns. This means that storage units, attics, and garages are not great places to store your weapons.

Regardless of where you store your guns, you should utilize gun storage bags that will protect your gun from rust or dust as they sit for months to years at a time. Additionally, you should use a dehumidifier to help keep moisture from building up wherever your firearms are located. 

Another great tip for long-term gun storage is to place your long guns barrel down. This prevents oil and other residues from slowly dripping into the stock or inner mechanisms of your gun. 

Investing in a Quality Gun Safe

The best option for long-term gun storage is, without a doubt investing in a quality gun safe like those sold at North American Safes. Our quality brands, such as Liberty and Rhino safes will help protect your weapon for an extended period of time. Our quality safes come in a wide variety of sizes and price points, meaning we have one for you no matter your needs.

Let Us Help!

North American Safes assists our customers through repairs, lock changes, and relocations. When it comes to safes, we are there to help in any and every way. Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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