How To Safely Hide Cash Inside Your Home

Person fanning out 100 dollar bills

Due to the current pandemic, many people are concerned about the security of their finances. Whether the concern is over losing their job, or not being able to access their funds through an ATM, many people are turning to keeping cash in their home for quick and easy access. However, this can raise the risk of unwanted individuals finding and taking your money. Keeping cash in your home has its pros, but there are also some dangers. Here’s how to safely hide cash inside your home.

Keep It Secret

One of the best ways to safely hide cash at home is to keep it secret. Odds are, no one will go looking for cash if they don’t know about it. Hiding cash in your home, especially large amounts, should be done on a need to know basis. Avoid telling others of your plans, even if you trust them. Even the most sincere and well-meaning friend may accidentally mention your plans to someone who isn’t so honest. The simple fact here is that the fewer people who know you’re hiding cash in your home, the safer it will be. 

Keep It Out Of Sight

This should go without saying, but keep your cash hidden out of sight. Avoid obvious spots like a see-through jar on the kitchen counter. While this may seem obvious, many people fail to keep their cash secluded. Part of keeping your cash out of sight means staying out of sight when making a withdrawal. Sure, no one may know you have money in that cookie jar on the top shelf, but someone may see you when you pull it down. Be careful too of kids seeing where you hide your funds. Kids often see more than you realize and may innocently tell a friend or neighbor about your hidden cash. Try hiding your cash in an out of sight place like the back of your closet. 

Invest In A Safe

The best way to keep cash secure in your home is to invest in a safe. Even if someone finds out you’re hiding cash and where it is, that doesn’t mean they’ll have access to it. Safes come in many shapes and sizes. There are several types of locks and certainly, there is one that meets your needs perfectly. If you’re concerned about having a giant safe in your room, consider investing in a small lockbox. Or you could install a small wall safe that’s easily hidden behind a picture. 

Let Us Help!

North American Safes provides assistance to our customers through repairs, lock changes, and relocations. When it comes to safes, we are there to help in any and every way. Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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