How do you hide a safe in your house?

thief searching home

Although a safe by itself offers you a form of security, that does not mean that they are guaranteed to stop burglars. If an experienced lock picker puts their mind to it then your safe’s contents are going to be in danger. If you want that extra level of protection then hiding a safe is going to do the trick. Let’s go over some ways to hide a safe in your house.

How do you camouflage a small safe?

Camouflaging a safe is not something that is just reserved for the movies. The issue with smaller safes is that even if a thief is unable to break into it, there is no guarantee that they will not take the whole safe outright. This means that you not only have to protect the insides of your safe but the safe as well. Hiding it is a great way to accomplish this!

You should think outside of the box when hiding a smaller safe. For example, do not think about leaving it on or in your desk, instead, consider putting it behind your desk. If you hide it under your bed then put some spare pillows over and around it. Keeping it as out of sight as possible is a surefire way of having it go overlooked during a home invasion.

There are some homeowners who choose to paint their safe to match the building’s walls. Although you can certainly do this, consider going a different route if it is stainless steel. Exposing your safe to all of those chemicals can cause corrosion and peeling for both the safe and the paint.

How do you disguise a big safe?

It is no secret that hiding a big safe is more difficult than a small one so you are going to have to get creative! One of the most popular places to hide a safe is in a homeowner’s bedroom closet. If you decide to keep your safe in your closet make sure that it is tucked away in a corner. Keeping it out of sight through the use of clothes is going to throw thieves off of its scent.

The best place to store a safe is actually an attic. Most thieves overlook a home’s attic due to how difficult it is to get things out of it. You can hide your safe behind some boxes and even mark it with inconspicuous labels to further protect it. For example, set it next to a bunch of cardboard boxes and label it with something generic like winter clothes.

Investing in a Secure Safe

If your safe is found out then you want to make sure that it has a high form of security. Investing in a durable safe with an advanced lock is going to ensure that a burglar does not have the time or ability to break into it. If you are unsure of what security system to go with then consider investing in a biometric lock. Its fingerprint-based technology ensures that you and only you are going to be opening it.

Let Us Help!

North American Safes assists our customers through repairs, lock changes, and relocations. When it comes to safes, we are here to help in any and every way. Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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