Best Way to Store Antique Firearms

antique firearms

Owning and storing antiques of any sort has the potential to stress the owner. Keeping your valuables safe from harm is important; however, the steps to accomplish this may not be immediately apparent. This is no less true with an antique firearm which is not only in danger of damaging itself but those around it as well. Here is the best way to store antique firearms.

Preserving Your Firearms

Although many owners store their guns for the safety of those around them, storing an antique firearm is done for the safety of the object as well. Preserving its original look and build requires a location where you can keep it away from unwanted hands such as children or burglars.

On top of this, properly preserving a gun also means keeping it in an environment that will protect it from the elements. With that in mind, the information below is going to help you keep your gun intact.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature and humidity can greatly affect a gun’s condition. Despite this, these two factors often go overlooked and end up causing damage to firearms around the world. You want to make sure that you store your firearm at an optimal level that caters to the needs of both the wood and metal components of the gun.

Keeping your storage at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 50% is all but a guarantee that your gun is going to stay in good shape. This means that you should avoid keeping an antique firearm in an outdoor shed or a garage with unmonitored ventilation.

Keeping Your Antique Firearms Safe

It is imperative that you keep your antique firearms safe from everyone but yourself. Around 500 people die from negligent or accidental shootings each year. One of the ways that this occurs is when an untrained person gets their hands on a firearm and fails to understand how it works. Because of this, storing your weapon in a place that only you can access should be one of your top priorities as a gun owner.

Many turn to a safety deposit box for antique firearms; however, you may want to reconsider before you go this route. Safety deposit boxes, despite being a safe option, are an inconvenient option. On top of this, you are letting someone else handle one of your antiques. This puts it at risk of getting damaged or misplaced by someone who does not understand the value of your firearm.

Investing in a Gun Safe

One of the best places you can store an antique firearm is a gun safe. Owning a gun safe allows you to access your firearm whenever you need it, provides you with a safe temperature option, and ensures that only those with the code are able to get into it. There are plenty of safes that come specially designed with racks that carry any and all sizes of firearms, ensuring that you can find one that suits your needs.

Let Us Help!

North American Safes assists our customers through repairs, lock changes, and relocations. When it comes to safes, we are here to help in any and every way. Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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